KuNG Hei FaT CHoi! The Year of the Metal Rabbit has already commenced! The year that is expected to be more peaceful, abundant and guess what? Less stress! It promises us the chance to reward ourselves with the much deserved R & R (Rest & Relaxation). The perfect moment to reap what we have and will still sow in 2011. Relationships will blossom like spring time for those who have long been searching for love and companionship. The food business will hit the jackpot too and if a lot of people will follow their signs, it’s automatically going to be a good year for me as there will be more restaurants to visit and dishes for me to feast on.

The Chinese-Filipino community has done a fine job in their effort to showcase the Chinese culture from the dances, the brilliant hues of the traditional costumes, glowing lanterns, to the ambrosial flavors of the Orient and of course the much awaited fireworks display.
The huge crowd that included both young and old alike have filled the streets with fun, laughter and endless food munching (including me as I devoured the sweet and cheese powder covered yellow corn. Really yummy!!!).
As much as I wanted to ambush the Chopsticks Alley which was like two blocks away from where I was standing, I was mugged by the site of the local streetfood that was just so hard to resist. Just looking at them gave me a different sense of satisfaction. Amongst my favorites include the famous fishball and kikiam stand, the colored buko juice with red gulaman, the bright yellow color of the hotcakes (that were not really hot then), the sliced papaya and Indian mangoes , and of course the rising popularity of the P12 jumbo hotdog on a stick! This site alone commanded me to let go and ignore the bustling human traffic. The air of the festival was a blast.
Specific areas were made venues for show bands that performed their respective genres and made my food hunt even more enjoyable. I would occasionally stop and have a blast looking at people of different ages as they take pleasure listening to one kind of music. Such an interesting site of unity it certainly is.
Afterwards we all settled at the Lagoon for the much awaited fireworks display. People from all walks of life busied the pavements as they seemed to search for the best spot to get the best view of the pyrotechnics. At first it seemed forever to wait but eventually, me and good friend Katrina got entertained just by watching kids frolic, couples embracing each other without minding that they are way too early for Valentine’s day and even those who excitedly have their pictures taken with the different animals of the Chinese astrology.
The fireworks display left the crowd in awe. It’s as if grand chandeliers filled the dark skies. But for me, I was more fascinated observing these facial reactions and somehow wondered, what could be playing in these kids’ imagination while being tongue-tied with the amazing lights.
This event in general was a wholesome family one. Fathers carrying their kids on their shoulder to avoid being crushed by the semi-human stampede while the moms were making sure that their kids don’t get messy with their icecream. The young ones were also in a party mode and seemed to love the elbow-to-elbow scenario.
This is how my first Bacoloadiat Festival came about. Fun-filled, exciting, and definitely stuffed. I hope next year, I’ll have my first experience at the famous Chopsticks Alley, this time, not only with Owen and Nadine but also with Cassie. Happy Thoughts! :D
Photos by: Owen Segovia Bayog
Kung Hei Fat Choi!!! blog some more!!
ReplyDeleteI'll try cath. A good mood is significant for me to finish one...hehehe