Sunday, April 3, 2011

Getting Hooked With Cityville

Cityville…  Another one of those social games available in Facebook.  Think again.  Although, it started early January of this year I think I got hooked up to it just last week through the encouragement of my daughter Nadine, actually a better way of describing her persistent begging for energy, etc.   When I first tried it, I told myself, “Hmm…this is interesting yet just one of those games on facebook.”  One of those games that I could say consumed my time for a while that eventually died down, like Farmville or Texas Holdem Poker  for example. At least with the latter, I still get to play it once a week the most if I get the urge of gambling for free. As for Farmville, I guess it’s history for me.

I have been playing Cityville for like 4 days now and, “MY OH MY!” I can’t believe I’m hooked! I can’t seem to stop checking on my “Littleville” twice a day! Is this really the game for me? Or is it just another fad that would leave my system in no time?  What boggles me though is I have neighbors that are already on level 60 up and still running! I am quite baffled as to where they get the time to reach it!  I have work, a husband to take care of, kids that come in and go out of the house that seek my attention and of course the neverending household chores that are also posting as a potential threat to my very limited time in enjoying the game. Not to forget myself and meeting the requirements of sleep among others. 

However, as of the moment, I think I’m able to handle it quite well with a little trick on multi-tasking. I just hope I don’t get too tired of juggling all of my responsibilities.  While I’m at it, I better enjoy the game, the friends and family that I get in touch with while playing, and pleasure myself in creating the city of my dreams, (it’s just super fun to see relocations without qualms from my citizens, is absolutely free and could just happen in a jiffy…truly amazing! I wish life could be this simple.)

Happy Thoughts!


  1. and i am one of those level 60!

  2. Correct! I have a feeling that I might be able to reach that level in 2 months. It's fine for as long as I reach it. hehehe.
