In today's world where we practically enjoy the benefits of high technology that are mostly run by overly abused energy, what would it become if we shut it down for an hour? This question popped out of my head as I strolled at SM yesterday, while waiting for the Earth Hour celebration to start.

The purpose of Earth Hour is to raise awareness of global issues, particularly in regard to our overuse of non-renewable resources, and resultant light and air pollution. That's when I started digging up about global warming. It's a fact that it's a natural cycle but we just speed up the process. Due to the increase in human population (that we cannot really control), our demands increase as well. The problem is, we just don't do our part to compensate to the need of Mother Nature.
I began to wonder, what about my granchildren and so on and so forth? Would they even have a world to live in or worst, would they be even given the chance to be born?

Now, I am more appreciative of programs like Earth Hour because, it is a start of something. Something that is not impossible to do, yet can make a difference. Moving forward, I will do my best to contribute in any way I can because I don't want to be part of the culprits in sabotaging the Earth I live in.
Happy Thoughts.
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